ODOE Seeks Oregonians to Serve on Oregon Energy Strategy Advisory Group

The Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) is forming an Advisory Group for the development of the Oregon Energy Strategy. ODOE was directed by HB 3630 to develop an Energy Strategy that identifies pathways to achieving the state’s energy policy objectives. The Strategy will be informed by a robust engagement process and will include technical and policy analysis and recommendations.

The Advisory Group will play a key role in developing the Energy Strategy. Members will provide insights, offer recommendations, and provide advice to inform the ODOE project team as they work to produce a comprehensive and well-informed Energy Strategy.

Please complete an applicant interest form by Friday, June 28, 2024 if you are interested in playing a role advising ODOE on the Oregon State Energy Strategy: https://forms.office.com/g/h3Vd4xXtFt.

ODOE is interested in Advisory Group member applicants who will collectively provide diverse perspectives, lived experiences, and subject matter expertise. Members will be expected to:

  • Review materials, prepare for, and attend a virtual monthly meeting, with a potential for one to two in-person meetings at ODOE’s Salem Office.

  • Agree to provide input on behalf of those they represent rather than as an individual opinion.

  • Serve as a conduit to ODOE by engaging with members of their communities or colleagues about the work of the Energy Strategy to gather their insights, synthesize them, and bring them forward to the Advisory Committee, as well as report back issues, challenges, and outcomes.

  • Be willing to participate in good faith in a collaborative way while seeking common ground wherever possible.

  • Anyone is eligible to submit a letter of interest. ODOE is seeking broad representation from the public sector, private sector, Tribes, advocacy organizations, and environmental justice and community-based organizations. Economic or life circumstances should not be a barrier to participation, and ODOE may offer financial assistance, scheduling options, and other arrangements to enable meaningful participation in the Advisory Group. Similarly, any need for such arrangements will not influence our selection process.

We seek to ensure that the Advisory Group represents a diverse range of:

  • Interests, expertise, and education

  • Socioeconomic backgrounds

  • Communities

  • Geographic areas of the state

In reviewing applications, ODOE will also seek to ensure that the Advisory Group includes diverse representation able to inform discussion on:

  • State energy demand and trends

  • Energy resources and technology choices in consideration of costs, energy efficiency, feasibility, and availability

  • Economic and employment impacts

  • Energy burden and affordability

  • Energy resilience

  • Environmental justice

  • Land use considerations

  • Natural resource impacts

  • Emerging technologies and investment opportunities

  • Energy generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure needed to achieve state energy policy objectives

  • Energy efficiency development and deployment

  • Energy security and impacts of broader markets

  • Community benefits

  • Community energy resilience

Additionally, please note there will be a limited number of seats on the Advisory Committee. However, there will also be many opportunities for the public to provide input throughout the development of the energy strategy, including multiple listening sessions, work groups, public comment periods, and other future individual or group engagements.

Please complete an applicant interest form by Friday, June 28, 2024: https://forms.office.com/g/h3Vd4xXtFt.

We look forward to hearing about your interest in participating in this important project. If you have any questions, please email energy.strategy@energy.Oregon.gov.