Washington County


County Seat: Hillsboro

Area (square miles): 724

Population (2018): 583,595

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Population Share: 34%

Households: 216,507

Regional Typical Annual Household Income: $60,286

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Poverty & Energy Burden

Energy Burdened* Households: 16%

Federal Poverty Level (family of three): $21,720

200% Federal Poverty Level: $43,440

Annual Energy Burden Gap**: $497

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Homes Built Before 1990: 53%

Owner-occupied Homes: 60%

Renter-occupied Homes: 40%

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Average Annual Residential Electricity: 9,582 kWh

Average Annual Electricity Cost: $1,177

Average Annual Residential Natural Gas Therms: 663

Average Annual Natural Gas Cost: $627

Electricity and Natural Gas Average Costs (percent of typical income): 3%

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Home Primary Heating

Electricity: 44%

Natural Gas: 52%

Propane: 1%

Wood: 2%

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Average Annual Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Per Household: 19,897

VMT Cost (fuel, maintenance, repairs): $3,192

VMT as Percent of Regional Typical Income: 5%

VMT as Percent of 200% Federal Poverty Level Income:15%

*An individual or family is considered energy burdened if they spend 6% or more of their income on energy costs.

** Amount needed to reduce energy costs to 6% of household income for household at 200% federal poverty level.

Click to learn more about the data and their sources.

Jennifer Kalez