Back to School: Oregon Department of Energy Shares Ways to Save Energy


SALEM – It’s that time of year for sharpened pencils, new backpacks, the groans of kids, and cheers of parents as Oregon students head back to school. The Oregon Department of Energy has some energy and cost-saving tips for back-to-school time:

  • Install a programmable thermostat to better regulate your home’s temperature while the family is away at work and school. Some models can even be adjusted remotely with a smartphone app.
  • Unplug electronics or other appliances that won’t be used during the day. Consider using a power strip for an easy way to turn off multiple electronics at once.
  • As daylight hours are getting shorter, now is a good time to switch your old incandescent light bulbs out for energy-efficient LEDs. LEDs use less energy and last much longer than traditional bulbs.
  • A large portion of your home’s energy use goes to heating water. Encourage shorter showers by using a shower timer, or install a low-flow shower head that uses water efficiently.
  • Picking your child up from school? Don’t idle your engine if you’ll be waiting more than one minute. Turning your car off saves gas and reduces harmful emissions.
  • Sending your kid off to college? Make sure she goes with an ENERGY STAR-rated mini-fridge and computer.

ODOE also offers incentives to homeowners and renters interested in upgrading their heating and cooling systems, installing energy-efficient water heaters, and more. These investments can improve comfort, reduce energy use, and save money.

Saving energy is just as important in the classroom. ODOE supports Oregon schools by providing resources and expertise to improve classroom energy use, from heating and cooling systems to efficient lighting projects.

For more information, visit:

CONTACT: Jenny Kalez, 503-480-9239 Rachel Wray, 503-689-0294