Get Ready: National Preparedness Month


September is National Preparedness Month, and the Oregon Department of Energy has tips for how you can make sure you’re ready in case of an emergency. An emergency like a flood, earthquake, severe storm, or long-term power outage could strike at any time. Making sure you are prepared is the best course of action you can take:

  • Build an emergency kit at home, including water, food, and medical supplies – enough for each person for 72 hours (don’t forget pets!).
  • You may not have power after an emergency. Purchase a radio and a flashlight or lantern that can be re-charged by hand or by solar power instead of batteries. You can also stock your emergency kit with hand- or solar-powered cell phone chargers.
  • Make an Emergency Communication Plan with your family in case you are not together with disaster strikes.
  • Have emergency supplies in your car in case you’re on the road.
  • Find out how your workplace is preparing, and know what to do if you’re on the job when an emergency strikes.
  • Visit to learn more about emergency preparedness, how to build emergency kits, help your community respond, and more.
  • Research how to turn off your home’s utilities if there’s a risk of a gas leak or electrical fire. Follow your utility’s recommendations to access shut-offs safely.
  • Download the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s app to get alerts, safety tips, and more.
  • Learn what to do before, during, and after an earthquake.

Learn more about National Preparedness Month at

Learn about ODOE’s emergency preparedness work: 


Photo courtesy of Flickr user Global X, under Creative Commons.