May 2018 Newsletter
State Budgeting Process Has ODOE Looking Ahead to 2019-21
Like all state agencies, the Oregon Department of Energy is in budget-writing mode. That's because our Agency Request Budget is due to the Department of Administrative Services in August, where it will be evaluated and analyzed as the Governor's Recommended Budget is developed later this fall.
In April, we provided an overview of the state's budget development timeline at an Energy Advisory Work Group meeting. We'll be back in front of the EAWG on June 20 to talk specifics about our agency budget - what's new, what's the same, and what's next. We invite you to attend the meeting, which will be held from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at our Salem headquarters.
Can't make the June EAWG meeting? We'll also host a public meeting in mid-July. Details to come.
Just How Energy Efficient Is Oregon?
The short answer to this question: very. Oregon is one of the most energy efficient states in the country, with 11 years and counting in the top 10 of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's annual national rankings. After hydropower, energy efficiency is our second largest resource in the Northwest.
At the Oregon Department of Energy, we have a pretty good idea of Oregon's overall energy efficiency accomplishments. Each year, we prepare our state's submission for ACEEE's evaluation, drawing on our own data, plus information from Energy Trust of Oregon and Bonneville Power Administration. But our analysis would be even better if we had more details to provide a fuller accounting of all that Oregonians do to help our state use energy more efficiently.
We'd love help from Oregon's energy utilities to better tell the state's energy efficiency story. While we get "roll up" dollars spent through BPA, and the associated kilowatt hours of savings, we don't have a good count of self-funded energy efficiency work. To strengthen Oregon's energy efficiency profile and the breadth of our submission to ACEEE, we're asking utility managers how many kilowatt hours your self-funded programs achieved over the last year or, even better, over the last five years. What did these programs cost to implement? Were there any notable success stories we could highlight, especially in our upcoming Biennial Energy Report?
It's encouraging that so much energy efficiency work is happening across the state. Thanks for any details you can share with us to better account for and celebrate these efforts.
To share your work, please reach out to
Oregon Department of Energy Awarded National State Leadership in Clean Energy Award
Good news! Earlier this month, the Oregon Department of Energy received a State Leadership in Clean Energy, or SLICE, award from the Clean Energy States Alliance. ODOE's Renewable Energy Development Grant program was one of only six state programs to receive the award.
The RED Grant program stood out to the judging panel thanks to the unique way it raised funds for renewable energy projects. Oregonians purchased tax credits through an auction held by the Oregon Department of Revenue, and the proceeds fund the energy grants. Auction participants were able to reduce their income tax liability while more directly supporting renewable energy projects in their communities.
Since 2012, RED Grants have been awarded to 55 renewable projects statewide, including solar, hydropower, biogas, biomass, and geothermal installations. Read more about the program, and stay tuned for upcoming announcements on our latest round of grant recipients!
EFSC Will Hold Public Rulemaking Hearing on June 29 on State's CO2 Emission Standards
On Friday, June 29, the Energy Facility Siting Council will hold a public rulemaking hearing in Salem on potential updates to the state's carbon dioxide emission standards. These standards apply to certain energy facilities under EFSC jurisdiction. You can get all the details on the rulemaking on our website. Public comments on the proposed updates are encouraged. The comment deadline is the same day as the hearing - June 29, 2018, at 10:30 a.m. You can offer oral comments at the hearing or submit written comments any time before then.
Reach us via email at By U.S. mail, hand delivery, or fax, you can reach us at:
EFSC Rules Coordinator | Oregon Department of Energy 550 Capitol St. NE | Salem, OR 97301 FAX: 503-373-7806
Today's the last day of the statewide Bike More Challenge. Oregon Department of Energy staff have enjoyed taking part. Read more on our blog.
Reports From Around the Agency
- Given how quickly 2018 is flying by, the 2019 legislative session will be here before we know it. To prepare, ODOE staff are meeting with stakeholders on legislative concepts for 2019. On Monday, June 4, we're all about a legislative concept that would make clarifying changes to the statute governing thermal renewable energy certificates, or T-RECs. Interested? Join us from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. in the Meitner conference room at our ODOE headquarters.
- ODOE staffers have been updating stakeholders on agency activities supporting Governor Brown's energy efficiency executive order. This week, Ruchi Sadhir and Warren Cook attended an Oregon Housing Alliance meeting, where they talked about energy codes, energy use in affordable housing, and an interagency working group that is collaborating on executive order implementation.
- We're also looking ahead on a project related to Governor Brown's electric vehicle Executive Order. ODOE is developing a new statewide EV website, set to launch in June. Watch your email or social media for launch info.
- On our own website, ICYMI, we launched our new Electricity Resource Mix at the end of April, with a formal announcement earlier this month. Get the details on how Oregon utilities keep the lights on.
- ODOE is one of several state agencies with a role to play in the proposed Jordan Cove Energy Project. We have a project "dashboard" on our website where we're compiling the latest information in one convenient location. New this month: the opening of a public comment period through the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality on the project's Section 401 Water Quality Certification application.
- Tomorrow, June 1, marks an important milestone for the Oregon Department of Energy: the Residential Energy Tax Credit program ends after nearly 40 years of providing Oregonians with incentives and support for integrating energy efficiency into their households. Thanks to everyone who has worked with us to help Oregonians save money, save electricity, and produce renewable power.
Energy Advisory Work Group | June 20 | Salem
Energy Facility Siting Council | June 29 | Salem
Upcoming Rulemakings