January 2020 Newsletter


2015-2019 Strategic Framework Wraps Up

In 2015, the Oregon Department of Energy’s Planning & Innovation Division developed a five-year strategic framework to guide the team’s work in supporting the agency mission and meeting the state’s energy goals. The framework was organized into four core areas: Demand-Side Management, Clean Power and Thermal Energy, Clean and Efficient Transportation, and Resilience and Sustainability.

As 2019 – and the final year for the framework – came to a close, we looked back at the framework and the many accomplishments and activities we completed here at ODOE and with our partners:

This is just a selection of the great work P&I accomplished with fellow agency staff and our partners – view our complete list, divided by the four core areas.

As we wrap up this strategic framework, we are expanding strategic planning efforts agency-wide. Follow ODOE’s strategic planning process (and sign up for email updates and ways to weigh in) on our website.

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Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program Launches

This month, ODOE officially launched the new Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program, which offers rebates for installed solar and solar with paired storage (battery) systems. Eligible contractors started signing up for the program on January 1, and we began accepting rebate requests from them on January 22. Grant dollars are going fast – just 10 days in, we already have over $780,000 in rebates requested. More information and a regularly-updated dashboard of remaining program dollars is available on ODOE's website. And please help spread the word! We hope this program helps expand access to renewable energy for low-income families and underserved areas of the state.


Oregon Kicks Off Renewable Energy Siting Assessment Project

Last year, ODOE teamed up with the Department of Land Conservation and Development and the Institute for Natural Resources to secure a $1.1 million grant through the U.S. Department of Defense to assess data and develop a mapping tool about opportunities and challenges for renewable energy and transmission development in Oregon. Watch this newsletter for future updates, and follow the project's progress on our website.

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ODOE Projects Highlighted During Legislative Days

ODOE Director Janine Benner and Senior Policy Analyst Rob Del Mar presented to the House Interim Committee on Energy and Environment on January 15 about ODOE’s online solar dashboard. The presentation was a huge hit, with Rob walking committee members through the interactive website and answering questions about solar in Oregon. You can watch the hearing online and view the solar dashboard on ODOE's website. Following the solar dashboard presentation, Facilities Engineer Blake Shelide presented to the committee about the State’s progress on Governor Brown’s Executive Order 17-20, which outlined directives to address energy efficiency in the built environment. Blake described how a multi-agency working group has completed multiple directives, with even more action on the way. You can also watch that presentation online.


Coming in 2020: ODOE's Biennial Energy Report

It's hard to believe it has been almost two years since ODOE published its inaugural Biennial Energy Report. Our team is gearing up to produce the next edition of the report, due to the Legislature on November 1. We'll provide updates on the report's progress and share opportunities for public feedback here in our newsletter and on our website


Reports From Around the Agency

  • A big thank you to everyone who participated in our strategic planning survey, interviews, and focus groups. We'll pause the process during the legislative session to gather more feedback before we begin Phase 2 this spring. Stay tuned to our website for updates

  • The 2020 Legislative Session is just around the corner – legislators will convene for 35 days beginning February 3. ODOE will be presenting to the Joint Committee on Ways & Means Subcommittee on Natural Resources during session in response to a 2019-21 Budget Note asking us to analyze ODOE's programs and budget. We don't have a date yet for the presentation, so keep an eye on the committee's web page for updates.

  • The Energy Facility Siting Council approved replacing wind turbine blades with longer ones (known as re-powering) at three facilities in Gilliam and Morrow counties: Shepherds Flat North, Shepherds Flat South, and Shepherds Flat Central. Re-powering means turbines can produce more consistent power at lower wind speeds. ODOE Siting Analyst Chase McVeigh-Walker shepherded the projects (see what we did there?) through the amendment process in just over three months.

  • You may have heard that OMSI is planning an expansion of its Portland campus. The expansion planning team presented to the Metro Regional Solutions Team about OMSI's master plan on January 16. ODOE Energy Analyst Roger Kainu attended to identify opportunities where ODOE could help with energy efficiency and planning needs.

  • ODOE held an Energy Advisory Work Group meeting in Salem on January 21 to update the group on the latest ODOE activities, and to hear feedback on the agency's strategic planning efforts so far.

  • On January 22, ODOE Assistant Director for Nuclear Safety Ken Niles presented to environmental studies students at Linfield College about the Hanford Nuclear Site.

  • Director Janine Benner joined Law Seminars International in Seattle on January 23-24 for a conference on buying and selling electric power. Janine spoke about Oregon's electricity landscape and what we expect to see for the sector in the future.

  • ODOE Senior Policy Analyst and resilience lead Adam Schultz attended a Northwest Public Power Association meeting in Seattle on January 22-23, which included a discussion about wildfire issues and the electricity sector. 

  • We didn't quite reach 30,000 registered electric vehicles in Oregon by the end of December, but we hope January numbers will push us closer to the state's goal of at least 50,000 registered zero emission vehicles by the end of this year. Track our progress and find EV news on the Go Electric Oregon website

  • Join our team! We are recruiting for a Senior Energy Policy Analyst on our Planning & Innovation team. The position will serve as the state’s expert on clean energy policy in Oregon, relevant clean energy policies in the region, and evolving clean energy markets. Learn more and apply by February 9.


Upcoming Meetings 

Energy Facility Siting Council | March 12-13, 2020 | Silver Lake & La Pine

Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board | March 30-31 | Hood River

Zero Emission Vehicle Working Group | March 20 | Portland


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