Oregon Global Warming Commission to Meet Virtually on January 6

Contact: Catherine Macdonald, 503-475-6782

SALEM – The Oregon Global Warming Commission will meet Thursday, January 6, 2022. The public meeting will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. online.

At this meeting, the Commission will hear an update and discuss modeling for the forthcoming Roadmap to 2035 to help the State develop a long-range agenda for meeting Oregon’s emission reduction goals. The work supporting the Roadmap involves identifying and analyzing potential actions across sectors to reduce GHG emissions and/or sequester carbon and provide additional co-benefits for Oregonians.

Public comments may be submitted through the contact form online or by email (oregon.GWC@energy.oregon.gov). Members of the public will also have an opportunity to sign up for public comment during the meeting. Those wanting to testify will need to sign up at the beginning of the meeting.

The agenda and additional meeting information, including how to listen in, is available on the Commission’s website

If you need special accommodations to participate in the meeting, please contact Linda Ross at 503-378-6874 or at linda.ross@energy.oregon.gov.

The Oregon Global Warming Commission is a 25-member advisory group created by the 2007 Legislature through House Bill 3543. Members are appointed and directed to develop long-term policy recommendations to prepare for, adapt to, and combat climate change. Public comments can be submitted to the commission at Oregon.GWC@energy.oregon.gov

For more information about the Commission and its work on climate change, visit www.keeporegoncool.org.

Oregon Global Warming Commission
Oregon Department of Energy
550 Capitol St NE
Salem, OR 97301

503.378.4040 | Toll-free in Oregon 1.800.221.8035