Grounded Podcast: Episode 42 - Cool for the Summer

Summers in the Pacific Northwest are spectacular, but it’s starting to feel like Oregon’s summers keep getting hotter. Days that reach the triple digits are happening more and more often. Most Oregonians have previously been able to get through moderately hot summers just fine without having air conditioning or cooling equipment. But that’s changing, and now becoming a necessity for many households.

On this episode of Grounded, host Bryan Hockaday speaks with State Climatologist Larry O’Neill to learn about the data that show how Oregon’s climate is changing and hear how extreme weather conditions are expected to happen more often. O’Neill explains that with climate change, Oregon summers are on track to see more days that spike above 100° and steadily warmer conditions over time.

The Oregon Department of Energy is helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change by leading Oregon’s transition to clean, green, renewable energy. Reducing carbon emissions over time will help mitigate climate change, but the Oregon Department of Energy is also taking action now to help get cooling and heating devices in homes, so Oregonians are better prepared for summer heat and increasingly extreme weather events.

But we’re not talking AC on this episode. Instead, we’re learning about heat pumps, which keep homes cool in the summer and warm in the winter. They’re much more efficient compared to traditional AC or heating systems, cheaper to run, and can cut home energy costs. Best of all, we hear how the Oregon Department of Energy’s incentive programs can reduce or even cover the cost of installing a heat pump in homes and rental properties in Oregon. Learn more: Heat Pump Incentive Programs.



Grounded theme music by Oregon artist, Jana Cushman.