Oregon Department of Energy to Host Public Forums February 27 on Oregon Energy Strategy Development

Media Contact: Jennifer Kalez
Project Contact: energy.strategy@energy.oregon.gov

SALEM – The Oregon Department of Energy will host two online public forums on February 27, 2025 to present key takeaways from Oregon Energy Strategy modeling results and gather feedback from Oregonians to help inform ODOE staff as the project moves into policy discussions.

In 2023, the Oregon Legislature directed ODOE to develop a statewide energy strategy that identifies potential pathways to achieving Oregon’s energy and climate policy goals. The strategy will evaluate benefits and challenges of different pathways, present policy recommendations for decision makers, and reflect input from Oregonians. A final strategy report is due to the Governor and the Oregon Legislature on November 1, 2025.

In late January, the agency presented modeling results for different paths, or scenarios, to achieving state goals. A Reference Scenario serves as a baseline and is informed by Oregon’s existing policies, energy consumption, demand, technologies, and other features. Six Alternative Scenarios use the Reference Scenario as a starting point but inject what if? questions to see how paths may shift as Oregon heads toward its energy future. Questions like: What if transmission development is delayed? What if electrification is delayed and Oregon relies more on clean fuels? While the scenarios aren’t forecasts, the information gathered provides a basis for discussion around what policies Oregon will need to maintain a clean, resilient, and affordable energy system – and create a more equitable energy future for Oregon.

The agency will host two online Public Forms on Thursday, February 27, one beginning at 1 p.m. and one beginning at 5 p.m. ODOE’s team will present the same information at each session, providing a recap of key modeling insights and how they relate to existing policies, and opening up the forum to hear from Oregonians about their priorities and concerns as ODOE turns to developing policy recommendations.

“This Oregon Energy Strategy will help Oregon reach a safe, equitable, clean, and sustainable energy future,” said ODOE Director Janine Benner. “We want the strategy to reflect the ideas and priorities of people across the state, from rural to urban, elders to young voices. We encourage our fellow Oregonians to join these forums and share their views.”

More information on the Oregon Energy Strategy, including how to log in to the forums, is available on ODOE’s website. Oregonians can also submit comments online.