Oregon Climate Action Commission to Meet Virtually on April 11, 2025
CONTACT: Commission Chair Catherine Macdonald, 503-475-6782
SALEM – The Oregon Climate Action Commission will meet on April 11, 2025. The public meeting will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. online. At this meeting, the Commission is pleased to introduce two new voting members appointed by the Governor’s Office and representing the following sectors:
Forestry: Bettina von Hagen, Managing Director and CEO, Ecotrust Forestry Management Investments and Advisory
Transportation: Lewis Lem, Transportation Programs Manager, Port of Portland
The Commission is also pleased to introduce newly appointed member Greg Dotson, Oregon Law Professor with the University of Oregon Law School, who will fill an At Large non-voting position.
The Commission will hear how the state is adapting to changes in federal climate funding, learn about the Oregon Energy Strategy, and discuss energy transmission. The Commission will also be updated on the status of climate-related bills introduced in the 2025 Oregon Legislative session.
An agenda and meeting information, including how to listen in, is available on the Commission’s website.
As always, public comments may be submitted through the Commission's contact form online or by email. Input received by 12 p.m. on Wednesday, April 9, 2025, will be shared with Commissioners in advance of the meeting. Members of the public will also have an opportunity to sign up during the meeting to make oral comments.
If you need special accommodations to participate in the meeting, please contact Geoff Crook at 503-551-2235 or Geoff.Crook@energy.oregon.gov. The meeting will be recorded and posted for those who are not able to attend.