Energy Facility Siting Council to Meet March 21, 2025
The next regularly scheduled meeting of Oregon’s Energy Facility Siting Council will be held on Friday, March 21, 2025. Attendance will be open to the public both in person in Salem, OR and virtually using the online Webex platform. Please see the meeting agenda for more detailed information, including meeting time, location, and instructions on how to attend virtually.
The main items on the Council’s agenda include:
Madras Solar Energy Facility Amendment 1 (Action Item) – Chase McVeigh Walker, Senior Siting Analyst. Council will review the Proposed Order and any contested case requests. The site certificate authorizes construction and operation of a 63 megawatt (MW) solar facility in Jefferson County. The amendment request seeks approval to extend the construction commencement deadline by 3 years.
Rulemaking Action Items:
Application Process Phase 2 Rulemaking
Exemptions Rulemaking Initiation
Modernization Rulemaking Initiation
Cascade Renewable Transmission Project (Action Item) – Christopher Clark, Senior Siting Analyst. Council will consider the applicant’s request to extend the expiration of the Notice of Intent by one year per OAR 345-020-0060.
The full meeting agenda and other meeting materials are available on ODOE’s website.
To request an interpreter for the hearing impaired or accommodations for persons with disabilities, please contact the department at least 72 hours before the meeting at 1-800-221-8035 or fax 503-373-7806. TTY users should call the Oregon Relay Service at 711.