An online application portal is now open for eligible entities and Tribes to apply for grant funding to support local heat pump deployment programs. The Oregon Department of Energy’s Community Heat Pump Deployment Program will award funds to selected regional administrators that will offer financial assistance for heat pump installations in the communities they serve.
Read MoreGet caught up on ODOE program highlights with the new 2022 By the Numbers sheet!
Read MoreIn this month’s newsletter, ODOE heads to the Capitol for the 2023 Legislative Session, recruits Regional Administrators for a new heat pump deployment program, talks long-duration energy storage and wind turbine recycling, invites Oregonians to a Biennial Energy Report webinar, and more.
Read MoreThe Oregon Department of Energy is seeking eligible regional entities to administer the agency’s new Community Heat Pump Deployment Program. The program will allocate grant dollars to eligible entities that will then, as Regional Administrators, provide financial assistance for the purchase and installation of heat pumps and related upgrades in Oregon homes.
Read MoreIn this month’s newsletter, ODOE begins accepting applications for a second round of grants, highlights the basics about heat pump technology and upcoming programs, welcomes a new Energy Facility Siting Council member, and more.
Read MoreAbout a quarter of Oregon’s overall energy use comes from homes, from lighting and cooking to heating and cooling. Making the switch to energy efficient appliances and technologies means less energy use, lower energy bills, fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and more comfortable homes. Heat pumps, which move heat rather than create it, are becoming more popular in Oregon homes thanks to their efficient heating and cooling, lower energy use, and big incentive savings on the horizon.
Read MoreIn this month’s newsletter, ODOE announces 21 recipients for our Community Renewable Energy Grant Program, gets ready to publish the 2022 Biennial Energy Report, shares an update on federal energy dollars coming to the state, and more.
Read MoreIn this month’s newsletter, a new interactive mapping tool to connect renewable energy potential and other development, a big milestone for electric vehicles in Oregon, good news for the state's greenhouse gas reduction goal, and more.
Read MoreIn this month’s newsletter, ODOE receives National State Leadership in Clean Energy award, is recruiting members for a Community Renewable Energy Grant review committee, talks electric vehicles and the grid, shares Director Benner's views on energy resilience, and more.
Read MoreThe Oregon Department of Energy announced today that it has been awarded a State Leadership in Clean Energy (SLICE) award from the Clean Energy States Alliance for the Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program.
Read MoreThe Oregon Department of Energy is currently seeking community members to serve on our Community Renewable Energy Grant Program Evaluation Committee.
Read MoreIn this month’s newsletter, ODOE opens application portal for Community Renewable Energy Grants, practices nuclear emergency response at Hanford, helps Oregon rural small businesses and agricultural producers identify energy savings, and more.
Read MoreODOE’s online application portal is now live and accepting applications through July 8, 2022. Grant dollars are available to support planning and construction of renewable energy or energy resilience projects for Tribes, public bodies, and consumer-owned utilities.
Read MoreIn this month’s newsletter: $10 million for energy efficient rebuilding from the wildfires, a playbook for federal funding for rural communities, reopening our Salem office to the public, a new podcast episode for your ear buds, and more.
Read MoreThe Oregon Department of Energy has $10 million available to support Oregonians who lost their homes or businesses during the 2020 wildfires that devastated communities across Oregon. As Oregonians rebuild, the agency will provide financial support to improve energy efficiency to make rebuilt homes and businesses more comfortable and provide long-term energy savings.
Read MoreIn this month’s newsletter, $12 million for community renewable and energy resilience projects, upcoming support for energy efficient wildfire recovery, wrapping up the 2022 legislative session, celebrating women's contributions to energy, and more.
Read MoreThe 2022 Legislative Session followed an energy-packed 2021 session, and made some additional moves for energy in Oregon — including new work for the Oregon Department of Energy.
Read MoreIn our February newsletter, we’re leading the way on energy efficiency, tracking safe transport of radioactive materials, celebrating Black History Month, looking toward a busy spring for energy incentive programs, and more.
Read MoreEnergy storage is a hot topic these days. How does it work? While electricity can’t be stored in tanks and pipelines, it can be stored in batteries – ranging from the AAAs in your TV remote to a several-kilowatt battery for your home to 1 megawatt or greater for utility-scale storage.
Read MoreThe Oregon Department of Energy will hold two virtual community meetings this winter on the agency’s Solar + Storage Rebate Program.
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