Energy Production
Primary Energy Production
Primary energy production represents energy that is collected from Oregon’s natural resources — it does not include energy that is imported for consumption or electricity generation in Oregon. The pie chart at below shows primary energy production in Oregon in 2018. Almost all the solar, wind, geothermal, and hydro primary energy is converted to secondary energy as electricity. Some of the biomass is used to make a variety of renewable fuels and some is combusted to produce heat and electricity.
Oregon ranks 33rd
in the country for energy production.
Oregon ranks 4th in the country for total
non-combustible renewable energy production.
Oregon’s Electric Facilities
The dashboard of Oregon at below shows where electricity generation sites are in the state. Facilities owned by Oregon utilities are included, as are third-party owned facilities, which can contract with utilities to provide power to Oregon consumers or sell their electricity on the open energy market. Note that the color of the circles corresponds to the resource used to generate electricity (see below), and the size of the circle is in relation to generation capacity of that facility.