Get to Know ODOE’s New Website

In late January, we launched our new and improved website. While the actual launch day was relatively low-key, the path to get here was not. Designing and building the website was a big project for the ODOE team as we worked with stakeholders and one another to create a website built on the following foundation: Accessibility. Did you know most people access the Internet on their smart phones? That meant our new site had to be as easy to view on a phone as it is on a desktop or tablet. Plus, we needed to think about all users – people using screen readers, others who have difficulty differentiating colors, and still others who don’t have high-speed internet. All of this and more went into the design and build-out.

Organization. Our old website was kind of like the hall closet that needs to be cleaned out and reorganized. To build a leaner, more organized site, we asked, what are the most frequently accessed pages? How do we connect people with public input opportunities? Which programs need to be connected so people can find new info of interest?

Timeliness. We upgraded our calendar so it’s simpler to use. Application deadlines are clear. We added a “Hot Topics” section and more prominent links to our blog. And the “Get Involved” button is on every page – from there, you can find info on public meetings, rulemakings, and more.

Accuracy. No sugar-coating it: there was a lot of old content on our website. We worked with our subject matter experts across the agency to include the latest energy information and refresh content, and to provide that material using plain language.

Transparency. We added a new section, Data and Reports, to help connect people with the details behind our work. We want to help you nerd out, and we welcome your feedback as we continue to build out this section.

We also tried to minimize the number of clicks it takes to get to important information. Interested in climate change, transportation, or home energy performance? You can find all three and more on our home page.

On the Facility Siting pages, you can sort by facility name, type of facility, and status. Plus, those facilities currently under review are prominently displayed on each siting page and here:

Our About Us section connects you right away to info on our budget, job openings, mission, statutes, sustainability policy, and more.

We’re making improvements all the time, and we’d love to hear your thoughts about the new site. Drop us a line at
