OGWC Forest Carbon Task Force to Meet February 27

Angus Duncan, 503-248-7695


SALEM — A task force of the Oregon Global Warming Commission will meet Monday, February 27, 2017 in Salem. The public meeting will be held from 1 - 4 pm in the Tillamook Room at the Oregon Department of Forestry, 2600 State St.

A listen-only call-in line will be available for those who cannot attend the meeting. Please call 1-877-336-1831, then use the access code 872206. Please be sure to mute your handset during the meeting.

At the meeting, the Forest Carbon Task Force will discuss recently-released data from the Pacific Northwest Forest Inventory and Analysis program, including carbon data tables, estimates of emissions from fires, and how to estimate changes in forest carbon among pools.

For more information about this meeting, please visit the Commission’s website.

If you need special accommodations to participate in the meeting, please contact Linda Ross at 503-378-6874 or linda.ross@oregon.gov.

The Oregon Global Warming Commission is a 25-member advisory group created by the 2007 Legislature through House Bill 3543. Members were appointed and directed to develop long-term policy recommendations to prepare for, adapt to, and combat global warming. Public comments can be submitted to the commission at Oregon.GWC@oregon.gov. Sign up for the Oregon Climate Change News listserv to hear about future Oregon Global Warming Commission meetings.

For more information on climate change activities in Oregon, visit the Oregon Department of Energy at at http://www.oregon.gov/energy/energy-oregon/Pages/Climate-Change.aspx, and the Global Warming Commission’s at www.keeporegoncool.org.