2024 By the Numbers

The Oregon Department of Energy helps individuals, businesses, nonprofits, Tribes, and other organizations in Oregon complete energy-saving, renewable energy, and energy resilience projects through several programs. These programs offer incentives, rebates, energy audits, and more to provide different options and resources for all kinds of energy goals.

Check out our program data from 2024!

Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program

$3.5 Million in total rebates

1,070 projects received rebates, including:

 · 161 Oregonians with low and moderate incomes

· 6 low-income service providers

· Average rebate for non-income restricted residential: $2,805

· Average rebate for low-and moderate-income residential: $5,548

· Average rebate for low-income service provider: $14,826

· Number of contractors participating in the program: 65

Rebates were issued in 28 of Oregon’s 36 counties


11 MW of solar energy installed and

14 Million kilowatt hours of renewable electricity produced per year

Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program

$12.4 Million in total rebates and grants

2,961 projects received rebates, including:

· 534 households with low- and moderate-income tenants

· 696 projects for affordable housing providers

· Average non-income restricted residential: Rebate $2,938 | Grant $1,462

· Average low- and moderate-income residential: Rebate $4,602 | Grant $2,027

· Average affordable housing provider: Rebate $3,670 | Grant $2,267

· Number of approved contractor organizations in the program: 150

Rebates were issued in 22 of Oregon’s 36 counties

Community Renewable Energy Grant Program

$17.5 Million in grants for selected projects

17 Construction grants

Average award $947,695

17 Planning grants

Average Award $80,679

Community Heat Pump Deployment Program

$7.6 Million in grant funds awarded

8 regional and 2 Tribal administrators

Oregon Rural and Agricultural Energy Assistance Program

Audits in Dayton, Hubbard, Ontario, and Pendleton

$7,049 average incentive amount

Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant Program

$1.2 Million to 13 local governments to support energy efficiency projects

Grants range from $50,000 to $115,000

Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive

$800,500 issued in 7 wildfire-affected counties

126 Property owners received a rebuilding incentive

18 Low- and moderate-income property owners received a total of $135,000 in incentives

Home Energy Scoring

7,893 Home Energy Scores completed in 2024 statewide

Average score: 5.4 / 10

Average score with priority improvements: 7.0 / 10

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