In our July newsletter, we wrap up the 2019 legislative session, share some news on zero emission vehicles, and celebrate the latest Renewable Energy Development Grant awardees.
Read MoreThe Oregon Department of Energy announced today six recipients of $1.25 million in Renewable Energy Development Grant funds. The RED Grant program supports Oregon businesses, nonprofits, and organizations investing in renewable energy systems that use biomass, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, landfill gas, biogas, wave, tidal, or ocean energy to produce electricity.
Read MoreWe’re in Portland for our latest episode of Grounded, talking with TriMet, the metro area’s public transit agency.
Read MoreWe were excited to hear that Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 1044 – Oregon’s zero-emission vehicle target bill – into law earlier this week. The bill marks another step forward for Oregon’s climate goals and for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.
Read MoreIt’s always nice when we hear from fellow Oregonians – and see new corners of our beautiful state along the way. A handful of Oregon Department of Energy staff – along with the all-volunteer Energy Facility Siting Council – got to do just that in late June at public hearings on the draft proposed order of the planned Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line.
Read MoreThe Oregon Department of Energy today announced a new resilience resource for small and medium electric utilities. The Oregon Guidebook for Local Energy Resilience identifies incremental actions electric utilities can take today so they are better prepared in the event of a major emergency, and provides additional guidance to improve overall community energy resilience.
Read MoreIn our June 2019 newsletter, we’re talking about ODOE’s 2019-21 budget, the latest in Home Energy Scoring, and what’s happening across our agency.
Read MoreOregonians are hitting the open road for summer vacations. As we rack up the miles and take in the sights, here are some ways to make sure we’re saving money and reducing emissions.
Read MoreIn ODOE’s May newsletter, we’re talking the latest on the 2019 legislative session, developments in building efficiency, approval of the first state-jurisdictional wind facility "repower," and important milestones for the proposed Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line. Plus, updates from across our agency!
Read MoreThe Zero Emission Vehicle Interagency Working Group is a coalition of state agencies dedicated to helping Oregon electrify our transportation system. Last week, the group held a public meeting to share updates about Oregon’s progress on getting more people behind the wheel of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
Read MoreOregon’s largest electricity providers, Portland General Electric and Pacific Power, each offer voluntary renewable energy options for their customers. Not surprisingly, these programs are two of the most successful nationwide.
Read MoreOn May 11, Oregon Department of Energy Director Janine Benner spoke at the grand opening of a new Eugene Water & Electric Board project designed to help people access clean water in an emergency.
Read MoreProposed changes to three wind farms – two in the planning stages and one already operating – will be the main topics on the agenda at the next Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council meeting May 16-17 in Condon. The public meeting begins Thursday at 3:30 p.m. at Hotel Condon, 202 S. Main St.
Read MoreIn our April 2019 newsletter, we’re talking renewable natural gas, our statewide Home Energy Score program, Earth Day activities, an update on Jordan Cove, and more.
Read MoreThe Oregon Department of Energy’s statewide home energy score program earned a 2019 “Innovation Award” from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings division last week.
Read MoreVisualizing this rise in renewable solar electricity generated statewide is now easier than ever thanks to a new Oregon Solar Dashboard launched by the Oregon Department of Energy.
Read MoreEverybody poops. On our latest episode of Grounded, we’re joined by Paul Suto, Engineering Manager with the City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services. BES is working on its “Poop to Power” project, which will convert methane from wastewater treatment processes into renewable natural gas.
Read MoreODOE’s March newsletter talks about the latest round of Renewable Energy Development Grants, a new Oregon Solar Dashboard, a new Grounded podcast episode, a quick update on the legislative session., and more.
Read MoreTwo wind farms planned for north central Oregon will be the main topics on the agenda at the next Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council meeting on Friday, March 22 in Salem. The public meeting begins at 8:30 a.m. at the Oregon Department of Energy, 550 Capitol St. NE.
Read MoreThe Oregon Department of Energy is pleased to announce it is accepting applications for its Renewable Energy Development Grant program.
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