Posts in Energy in Oregon
10 Resolutions for a Green Revolution

It’s that time of year again to reflect on the past and map out plans toward a better future. This year, while drawing up strategies for a new and improved you, we encourage you to include some resolutions focused on energy efficiency and sustainability… Small changes in our daily routines can go a long way, and collectively, make a powerful difference. To make it easy for you we’ve come up with a list of 10 resolutions you can implement for a greener New Year.

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Energy Facility Siting Council To Meet December 14 In The Dalles

Two energy facilities planned for northeastern Oregon will be the focus of discussion at the next Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council meeting on Friday, December 14 in The Dalles. The public meeting begins at 8:30 a.m. at the Discovery Center, 5000 Discovery Drive.

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ODOE’s Siting Division Reviewing A Record 15 Projects

Utility-scale solar electric facilities are the hot new thing in Oregon, and many existing wind farms are taking steps to “repower” older turbines by using longer blades. Those are two reasons why the Facility Siting Division at the Oregon Department of Energy now has a record 15 projects under review!

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Oregon Climate Experts Help Shape New National Climate Assessment

Last week, the U.S. Global Change Research Program released volume two of the Fourth National Climate Assessment. The technical, scientific report assesses the impacts of climate change on the United States – from how climate change will affect different people and regions across the country, to how the country is adapting to effects already underway.

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New Report Focuses on Oregon's Changing Energy Landscape

Details about Oregon’s electricity-generating resources, comparisons of how the state’s energy use tracks with population and economic indicators, and how Oregonians heat their homes are just some of the topics covered in the Oregon Department of Energy’s recently published Biennial Energy Report.

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Plug In: Oregon Department of Energy Invites Oregonians to Celebrate National Drive Electric Week

It’s National Drive Electric Week, and the Oregon Department of Energy wants Oregonians to know that now is a great time to go electric. From September 8-16, we’re celebrating zero emissions with plenty of torque, widespread availability of plug-in all-electric and hybrid vehicles, and an expanding network of charging infrastructure to support EV adoption.

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Grounded Podcast: Gresham Powers Through the FOG

On our latest episode of Grounded, Alan Johnston, Senior Engineer for the City of Gresham Wastewater Treatment Plant, talks about the plant’s operations (everybody poops!), and how they’ve implemented energy projects onsite that end up producing more electricity than the plant can even use. From renewable solar power to energy and heat from fats, oils, and grease, Gresham is walking the talk when it comes to sustainability.

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When The Rubber Hits the Road

Summer is the time for road-trips. At the Oregon Department of Energy, that means hitting the state’s highways and byways to connect with Oregonians. We enjoy getting out of the office and talking to Oregonians about the projects we’re working on. And as a result, our projects get better by having you involved.

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Energy Facility Siting Council To Meet August 23-24 In Boardman

A request for an amendment to the Golden Hills Wind Project in Sherman County – a facility that is approved but not yet constructed – will be the main topic of discussion at the next Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council meeting on August 23-24 in Boardman.

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Oregon Department of Energy Experts to Talk Hanford Cleanup at OMSI Science Pub on August 2

The Hanford Nuclear Site, from the early days of the Manhattan Project to today’s ongoing environmental cleanup, will be the topic of the OMSI Science Pub in Portland on August 2. Ken Niles and Jeff Burright, nuclear experts from the Oregon Department of Energy, are the featured speakers.

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